Are You Covered?

Although addiction can be a very stressful burden to carry just on its own, paying for the treatment to overcome the disorder can add even more stress. When seeking financial assistance for addiction treatment, most individuals are not educated in the amount of coverage their provider can help them with. At Coastal Detox, we are able to review your plan and ensure that you receive every ounce of financial help you are able to obtain from your insurance provider.
ComPysch Benefits for Treatment Services
As the world’s largest employee assistance provider, ComPsych serves over 109 million people throughout the U.S. and 160 other countries. Founded in 1984, it has grown to provide service to over 50,000 organizations worldwide. ComPsych strives to over-deliver in their partnerships with these companies in order to provide quality coverage to every individual involved.
For those seeking financial help for their substance abuse treatment, ComPysch is able to help extensively. The coverage they are able to provide will depend on the certain coverage plan the individual is under. ComPysch is a great option when considering insurance policies for addiction treatment.
It may seem overwhelming to learn about all the financial help you can receive from ComPsych for your substance abuse treatment. Fortunately, our team at Coastal Detox has helped countless potential patients realize they are mostly to completely covered by their policy. All you need to do is call one of our specialists, and they will research any and all payment options for you!
Is In-Network Necessary?
There are many financial situations where in-network companies associated with Coastal Detox will be necessary to help fund the treatment. Choosing an in-network provider versus an out-of-network provider can increase the chance of being able to attend rehabilitation programs for the amount of time necessary the patient requires to fully recovery from the substance addiction.
Because it is an in-network provider, our Coastal Detox specialists are able to review your plan and quote a treatment payment once pre-authorized. The amount will reflect the coverage your ComPsych plan provides.
Other Benefits
Not only is a ComPsych policy beneficial to your stay in our treatment center, but it is also beneficial to your overall health and your life beyond rehab, as well. ComPysch caters to all your financial, mental health and physical health situations.
As the largest EAP provider, ComPysch offers a full array of coverage plans. They focus on “build-to-suit” programs that address each organization’s unique needs and build custom plans for them and their staff. They offer childcare and eldercare coverage as well as simple home repair and education coverage.
ComPysch empowers companies to encourage their employees to be more health-conscious through their numerous policyholder incentives. Some tools included in this are worksite wellness challenges, lifestyle coaching, weight management and health assessments that are all covered and conducted by ComPsych.
Reviewing Your Policy
At Coastal Detox, an independent review of your ComPysch coverage will determine:
- Which alcohol and drug rehabs you are eligible for
- How long you can attend the program (30, 60, 90 days, etc.)
- Which level of care will be covered
By allowing us to review what expenses your ComPsych plan will cover at our facility, our team at Coastal Detox is able to identify all the factors to help you determine whether treatment is going to be affordable or not. This will help you understand how much you can expect to pay out of pocket for treatments.
Coverage for Treatment
When it comes to insurance coverage, different factors can play into an individual’s amount they are required to pay. Although ComPysch has not put a maximum on how long may stay in rehab, most plans only cover up to 180 days every calendar year. The company also requires policyholders to been seen by a hired ComPysch counselor for five sessions before determining what form of rehabilitation the company will cover. In many cases, ComPsych requires prior approval and without it, individuals may have to pay the entire cost of treatment.
Coverage for Detox
Because substance abuse disorders are so serious, medical detoxes are performed in order to rid the body of all substances in a healthy and gradual fashion. After medical detox is completed, then individuals can begin treatment programs. ComPsych will cover up to 80 percent of medical detox for in-network facilities and only 60 percent for out-network.
Coverage for Mental Health
ComPsych members have access to high-quality mental health programs that are provided through hired ComPysch professionals. ComPysch can also help cover the cost of dual-diagnosis treatment. Dual diagnosis occurs when someone has a substance abuse disorder and a mental disorder. So, those who need to be treated for both at the same time can get the help they need.
Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment Coverage
There are two different types of addiction treatment. The most notable is residential (inpatient) treatment. In this kind of program, patients live at their treatment facility.
The other type of addiction rehab program is outpatient. In this treatment approach, patients may still attend school, go to work. But, they do so while continuing to attend treatments. Whether a patient goes through an inpatient or outpatient treatment program will depend on his or her medical and mental status.
As far as covering costs of inpatient and outpatient treatment, ComPsych covers 80 percent of in-network facilities and 60 percent of out-network facilities. Once a patient has been pre-authorized, specialists at Coastal Detox can evaluate the coverage plan. They will then be able to determine what exact therapies, treatments, and programs will be covered by their insurance policy.
How Coastal Detox Can Help
Our team at Coastal Detox is here to find the best treatments and programs. We understand the importance of being a treatment facility that suits your health condition. It’s also important for treatment to be within your budget. We are dedicated to helping you find every option best suited for you.
If you or someone you know is caught in the grips of substance abuse and is seeking help, we are here to assist. Don’t hesitate to contact us today by calling (877) 406-6623.