Rehab Centers in Stuart, Florida
You’ve heard of rehab. You’ve heard of detox. Do you really know what they are in regards to drug or alcohol abuse? If you’re checking for yourself or a loved one, you really should know what they are and where to find help.
Substance use disorder (SUD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) are huge issues that affect millions of adults every day. Because they are so complicated, these problems need a variety of medical supports. If you try to define the meaning of “rehabilitation,” you have to consider the steps that are involved in helping an individual overcome substance abuse.
Stuart, FL Treatment Centers
Stuart, FL Drug Rehab: What is Detox?
Detoxification is defined as the metabolic (life-sustaining chemical reactions) process that removes toxins (poisons) from the body. It is the way that the body rids itself of the waste products that can harm us. The purpose is to clean away the internal impurities that can cause disease and deterioration.
Detox is the first step of treatment that an addict takes on the road to recovery. The length of detox can vary based on the length and type of the addiction and each person’s individual treatment program. It is usually medically monitored in an inpatient setting.
The Three Components of Detox
The Washington Circle Group (WCG), a group of experts organized to improve the quality and effectiveness of substance abuse treatment, described three necessary components to detox that may happen all at once or in steps:
- Evaluation
Evaluation includes:
- testing for the presence of substances of abuse in the bloodstream,
- measuring the concentration, and
- screening for co-occurring mental and physical conditions.
This evaluation is the basis for the treatment plan after withdrawal is completed.
- Stabilization
This includes medical and social methods that help the person through the intoxication and withdrawal process to become medically stable and substance-free. While this includes medication in some cases, it also includes getting the person familiar with what to expect in treatment and what their part in treatment and recovery will be.
- Fostering Entry into Treatment
Part 3 involves preparing the individual for entry into a treatment program. This step emphasizes the importance of following through with the complete course of treatment.
Addressing Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal at Our Stuart, FL Drug Rehab Center
Withdrawal happens because your brain works like a spring regarding addiction. Drugs and alcohol are brain depressants that push down the spring. They curb the brain’s production of neurotransmitters (carry messages in the brain) like noradrenaline.When you stop using the substance, it’s like lifting the weight off the spring. The brain rebounds by producing a surge of adrenaline that causes withdrawal symptoms.
Different Drugs, Different Symptoms
Because every drug is different, some produce significant physical withdrawal such as:
- Opiates
- Alcohol
- Tranquilizers
Some produce little physical withdrawal, but more emotional withdrawal symptoms such as:
Each person’s physical withdrawal pattern is different too. You might experience a small amount of physical withdrawal but that doesn’t mean that you’re not addicted. Instead of physical symptoms, you may have more emotional withdrawal symptoms.
Following are two lists of drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms. The first list is the emotional withdrawal symptoms caused by all drugs. You can have these whether or not you have physical withdrawal symptoms. Second is the list of physical withdrawal symptoms that usually occur with alcohol, opiates, and tranquilizers.
Mental and Emotional Withdrawal Symptoms
- Anxiety—anxiety, panic attacks, restlessness, and irritability
- Depression—social isolation, lack of enjoyment in life, fatigue, poor appetite
- Sleep—insomnia, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
- Cognitive—poor concentration and memory
Physical Withdrawal Symptoms (mainly alcohol, opiates, and tranquilizers)
- Head—headaches, dizziness
- Chest—tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing
- Heart—racing heart, skipped beats, heart palpitations
- Gastrointestinal—nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach aches
- Muscles—muscle tension, twitching, tremors, shaking, muscle aches
- Skin—sweating, tingling
Dangerous Withdrawal Symptoms
Tranquilizers and alcohol cause the most dangerous physical withdrawal. Stopping tranquilizers or alcohol suddenly can lead to serious conditions in high risk patients. A medically supervised detox can reduce your withdrawal symptoms and risk of dangerous complications. Some dangerous withdrawal symptoms include:
- Grand mal seizure
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Hallucinations
- Delirium tremens (DTs)
Withdrawal from opiates like heroin and oxycontin is intensely uncomfortable. But not usually life-threatening unless they are combined with other drugs. Heroin withdrawal on its own doesn’t cause seizures, heart attack, stroke, or DTs. Detox and withdrawal is a serious issue and Coastal Detox rehab center in Stuart, Florida is experienced and specializes in helping clients through the risky process of detox and withdrawal.
Treatment for withdrawal symptoms includes:
- Support
- Care
- Medications.
Combined, these can prevent possible complications and ease symptoms. People can stop their abuse suddenly and manage their withdrawal symptoms on their own with some substances.
For example, a person may be able to quit caffeine without assistance and be able to deal with the unpleasant symptoms until they subside. However, suddenly quitting substances such as benzodiazepines or alcohol can be dangerous. A medically-assisted withdrawal can make sure that you’re safe and help reduce many uncomfortable symptoms.
Common Withdrawal Medications
The medications prescribed to help relieve symptoms will vary depending on the type of substance you were using. Some of the medications used to treat different types of withdrawal include:
- Catapres (clonidine)
- Librium (chlordiazepoxide)
- Buprenex (buprenorphine)
- Valium (diazepam)
- Ativan (lorazepam)
- Methadone
There are other medications that might also be used for specific withdrawal symptoms. These include:
- Anti-anxiety medications
- Anticonvulsants
- Antipsychotics
- Antinausea medications
- Sleep medication
The national Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has stated that, in most cases, the symptoms caused by drug withdrawal are easy to treat with medications that reduce or remove the discomfort. But treating withdrawal is not the same as treating the dependence or the addiction. Our rehab center in Stuart, Florida is expert at preparing our clients to enter treatment programs after detox.
How Do I Know If I’m Addicted?
Recognizing an addiction problem in yourself or someone you know can be more difficult than it seems. Addiction is defined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) as a chronic disease that affects the reward, motivation and memory functions of the brain. A person with an addiction will crave a substance or a behavioral habit. They frequently ignore other parts of their life to support their addiction.
Some signs of addiction are:
- A lack of control, or an inability to stay away from a substance or behavior
- Decreased socialization–like backing out of commitments or neglecting relationships
- Disregarding risk factors–like sharing needles in spite of possible consequences
- Physical effects–withdrawal symptoms or needing a higher or more frequent dose to feel effects
All of these signs are commonly connected. But the degree of intensity for each sign might depend on how long the addiction has been going on.
Healthy people can usually recognize a negative behavior and get rid of it. This is not true of someone with an addiction. Instead of admitting the problem exists, they tend to find ways to justify and continue the behavior.
Early Signs of Addiction
During the early stages of addiction, a person might not show the signs of a full-blown addiction. Particularly if the individual is going to great lengths to hide it. Some early clues are:
- Experimentation
- A family history of addiction
- Being especially drawn to an activity or substance
- Looking for situations where the substance or activity is present
- Periods of binging or loss of control with little to no feelings of remorse later
When looking at common social behaviors like drinking or smoking, it can be difficult to tell if there’s an addiction problem. Something that appears to be an addiction might just be an experimental phase or form of stress management. Nevertheless, real addiction, if untreated, can become a crippling habit or increased illness risk.
Personality Changes
After a person goes past experimentation, they’ll probably show some major personality changes:
- Lack of interest in hobbies and activities
- Neglecting relationships
- Missing important obligations
- Tendency to take risks
- Ignoring negative consequences
- Change in sleeping patterns
- Increased secrecy
Health Changes
- Bloodshot or glazed eyes
- Constantly sick
- Unexplained injuries
- Sudden weight change
- Bad skin, teeth, hair, and nails
- Increased tolerance to drugs
- Symptoms of physical withdrawal like sweating, trembling, or vomiting
- Loss of memory or recall problems
- Changes in speech like slurred words or rambling
Mental and Emotional Changes
- Sudden mood changes
- Behaves aggressively
- Irritable
- Depression
- Apathy
- Suicidal thoughts
It’s important to rule out any medical reasons for someone’s decline in health. But remember that someone with an addiction will almost always play down the seriousness of their condition.
If there’s no other explanation, then there’s an increased possibility of an addiction problem.
Middle and Later Stages of Addiction
While in the middle and later stages of addiction, the negative effects will become more permanent or cause more long-term consequences. A person with a serious addiction might ignore it or make it seem unimportant in favor of continuing their habit.
Some possible long-term consequences include:
- Acquiring an infectious disease, mostly through shared needles
- Quitting school or getting poor grades
- Damaged relationships with family and friends
- Arrests or jail time
- Eviction from home
- Job loss
- Loss of parental rights
- Ruined reputation
Although these things can occur to someone who doesn’t have an addiction problem, they become more common when an addiction is present.
How to Begin Recovery
Whether you’re the individual with the addiction, or it’s a member of your family, or a good friend, it’s important to recognize the true danger of the illness, and to understand the risks of not treating it. In the end, it is up to the addict to recognize their disorder and be ready to address their addiction before recovery can begin.
The addiction specialists at Coastal Detox can get you or your loved one off to a good start to your recovery in our Stuart, Florida drug rehab. We are located on the beautiful Treasure Coast of Florida, a serene and soothing place to clear your mind and body. Don’t put it off. Let us help you with that all-important first step. Contact us today.