In the USA, overdoses are the top cause of injury-related deaths.
If you’re cleaning up your act and on a drug detox, you’re clearly taking the right steps in saving your own life.
During what is likely to be one of the hardest yet most rewarding periods of your life, you need to focus on your health and diet for detox.
In this article, we’ll look at ways to stay healthy and keep the body cleansed with the help of these foods.
1. Ginger Tea Reduces Nausea
If you’re struggling with drug withdrawal symptoms, ginger tea can help to reduce issues such as:
- Nausea.
- Muscle and joint aches.
- Vomiting.
- Loss of appetite.
- Stomach cramps and bloating.
Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties in ginger, people have been using the root for hundreds of years to ease a whole host of ails. Better yet, it also offers you minerals such as magnesium and Vitamin C.
If staying sober is meaning you’re struggling to sleep, rather than tossing and turning, get out of bed, boil the kettle and make yourself a cup of ginger and chamomile tea.
Why not read some self-help or a fiction book to help you fall back to sleep. Hopefully, by drinking such a brew every day, you’ll boost your immune system and start sleeping throughout the night.
2. Choose Bananas as a Go-To Snack
While out and about, what better snack to have on you than a banana. It has its own case, it tastes delicious, and it’s very healthy.
Bananas can keep hunger pangs at bay, meaning you won’t be left feeling “hangry”. Interestingly, bananas have also been linked to reducing depression.
They can help you with any gastrointestinal issues you may be having during your detox.
If you’re not a fan of bananas, you’ll need to make sure to get fiber from other sources. Other fruits to add to your diet include strawberries, pears, figs, oranges, and raspberries.
3. Eat Avocado on Sourdough Toast at Home
Avocados offer you good fats and they’re delicious. Smash one up with some lime, a little chili, salt, and even some chopped tomatoes. Toast your favorite bread and you have yourself a delicious breakfast or snack.
How does this meal help with your detox? Well, it offers high levels of Omega 3 which keeps your brain and eyes healthy. It also lowers anxiety and depression levels, and even reduces the risk of dementia.
There are hundreds of ways to eat avocado. For example, you could put it in a salad or add it to a smoothie if you don’t want to eat it as part of what’s often called Millennials favorite meal.
4. Don’t Forget to Drink a LOT of Water
While detoxing, it’s essential to remember to drink water. This is because, during this time, you’re ridding your body of toxins (hence the name detox!)
To aid this process, you should drink around 12 glasses of water per day. It may sound like a lot, but this liquid will assist your kidneys and liver in cleaning themselves up.
If you don’t like the taste of tap water, try adding lemons, cucumber, berries or mint to give it a nicer taste. (You may want to add ginger to your water too if you’re feeling a little nauseous!)
Be good to your body and the planet by always carrying a reusable bottle of water with you rather than buying plastic bottles while you’re out.
5. Nuts are a Healthy Diet Staple
When working on improving your diet, make sure you always carry nuts around with you.
Not only do they help keep hunger at bay, but they are also packed full of nutrients and great for your health.
They provide the body with protein, vitamins, minerals, and healthy unsaturated fats. Avoid nuts with added salt to ensure you’re really reaping the benefits.
By eating nuts every day, you can expect benefits such as:
- Improved condition of your skin.
- Wounds heal more quickly.
- High levels of fiber, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
- Hormones balance out.
- Early death risks are reduced.
And much more! Just by eating one handful of nuts per day, you’ll feel the improvements in your body as you detox and leave drinks and drugs behind.
6. Load Up on Oats for Breakfast
If you wake up feeling hungry, one of the best meals you can prepare for yourself is oats. These whole grains will keep you feeling full throughout the day and are classed as “good” carbs.
If you’re not a morning person, why not try preparing overnight oats before you go to bed so that you have a healthy breakfast ready for when you wake up?
All you need to do to prepare this meal is to add a cup of oats to a bowl (or jam jar if you want to add aesthetic appeal). Add your preferred milk, just covering the oats.
Next, add a layer of yogurt and finally top this off with your choice of fruits (frozen fruits work particularly well and are good for the wallet), nuts and seeds.
Leave this meal in the fridge overnight and prepare yourself a ginger tea to drink with it when you wake up.
If you don’t like oats, try adding other whole grains to your diet such as:
- Brown rice – try making a healthy curry which can last you for a few meals.
- Quinoa – great with a tomato-based sauce or in a salad.
- Whole corn – try popping the kernels in the microwave for a snack which can help ward off diabetes.
By replacing “bad” carbs with “good” ones, you’ll be left with much more energy and won’t need a sugar hit in the early afternoon.
7. Sushi is Delicious and Good for You
Have you ever made your own sushi? This is a skill which is worth learning as this delicious Japanese food is great for you when you detox.
Actually, it’s the seaweed used in sushi which is best for those detoxing, but heaps of veggies, egg, salmon, and rice (especially brown rice) are also great for you too.
Sodium alginate is found in seaweed and this is great at absorbing any remnants of drugs left in your body as it binds to them.
Eat around three ounces of the green stuff per day to reap the benefits. If you’re not so keen on the flavor, why not make a broth and chop it up to add saltiness, but not too much crunch?
8. Brussel Sprouts Taste Gross but Are Great for Your Liver
Who likes Brussel sprouts really? If you do, this is great news as these booger-like greens can seriously aid your liver as you detox.
This is because Brussel sprouts improve blood levels of liver enzyme, protecting it from damage. They also increase natural detoxification enzymes, who knew?
If you get sick of eating Brussel sprouts, you can also try blending them up into a smoothie. Or, try adding broccoli to your diet too which is also great for your liver.
Why not make yourself a delicious dinner of mixed roasted veggies and brown rice? Add garlic and a sauce to your taste!
9. Kale is a Great Option on Your Diet for Detox
Kale has SO many nutrients, more so than almost all other food options on the planet. As a result, it’s great for detoxing.
Again, it can be added to a smoothie, roasted with other veggies, eaten in a salad, or baked and chomped on as a snack.
It helps to lower your cholesterol, which in turn will reduce the risk of heart disease. It also provides antioxidants and is a great source of vitamin C.
It also reduces your risk of constipation as it is high in fiber and water, something which is very important when detoxing.
Of course, you should still eat this superfood leafy vegetable in moderation. Don’t go overboard as it can “poison” you.
10. Eggs are Your Friends
While recovering, it’s important to cram protein into your diet. Your body is suffering in many ways and protein can help you recuperate.
There are many sources of protein, but eggs contain around 6 grams of protein each.
You may want to consider eating meat for your protein intake, but it’s been proven that a plant-based diet is the best way to help the planet and look after your body.
During this time of detox, try avoiding meat and dairy and instead pack your diet full of other sources of protein. For example:
- Tofu – why not scramble this, rather than eggs? You may be surprised by how delicious it can be with the right seasoning.
- Lentils – try making an Indian curry with lentils.
- Chickpeas – these can be easily added to a salad or into a curry.
After a few months of eating a predominantly plant-based diet, you will begin to feel stronger and replenished.
Plants can certainly pack in the protein. But, if you’re worried you’re not getting enough protein, why not add Hempseeds to your morning smoothie or overnight oats?
11. A Few Things to Avoid…
As a recovering addict, it’s easy to fall into the clutches of a poor diet by using “delicious” foods as a replacement.
If you change your diet to include all of the foods above instead, after a couple of months, they will begin to taste delicious. As a result, overly processed foods will no longer offer the flavors they once did.
While detoxing, it’s important to ensure you don’t bring anything into your home which can damage your recovery. A few of these items include:
- Coffee – this is also a stimulant which can increase stress and anxiety. It may also lead to recovering addicts feeling depressed. Avoid it during your detox or limit yourself to just one cup in the morning.
- Processed foods – cereal, cakes, biscuits, microwave meals, bacon, ham, and crisps are processed. All of these items take their toll on the liver, which is already working hard!
- Sugar – candy may be your last vice, but it’s one to kick during your recovery. It’s likely that, once you’ve given up alcohol, you will seriously crave sugar. This is because there is no alcohol turning to sugar in your blood anymore. Kick this habit to help stabilize your blood sugar levels.
Saying goodbye to drugs, alcohol, and your regular diet is no easy feat. If you’re struggling with your detox diet, do not hesitate to reach out for help.
Speak to Your Nutritionist or Physician
While in recovery, it’s very important to get the right nutrients and this can be difficult while detoxing at home. Addicts are often deficient in vitamin D, which helps to regulate the absorption of calcium in your body.
Also, thiamine, which helps ensure neurological functions are healthy, and B vitamins, which turn food into energy.
However, if you eat everything on this list, you’re likely to be helping your body recover and will restore your vitamin levels.
Although food and a balanced diet can provide us with most of the nutrients we need, you may be lacking in a few nonetheless.
In order to figure out whether this is the case, speak to your physician or nutritionist. They will be able to assess your diet and provide you with vitamin and mineral supplements.
The Perfect Diet for Detox Involves Moderation
Focusing on your nutrition is vital, especially in the early stages of your recovery. You may be surprised by how food can seriously change your overall mental and physical health.
While following a diet for detox, make sure you don’t overindulge in just one food. The best way to look after your body is to eat all the foods on this list in moderation.
As well as eating properly, make sure to exercise on a regular basis to keep your body fit and your mind free from anxiety and stress.
If you’re struggling, get in contact with us and we can offer you further guidance in your detox.