If you are seeking a prescription pain pill addiction detox or addiction treatment center in the Stuart, Florida area, Coastal Detox offers you a personalized solution to recovery from prescription pain pill addiction with inpatient or outpatient detox and addiction treatment services. Prescription pain pill addiction is a fast-growing problem across the United States, and prescription pain pill addiction can happen to anyone because it carries less stigma than other opiate addictions.
Due largely to the fact that prescription pain pills are prescribed by a doctor, once someone becomes addicted to prescription pain pills, they assume the side effects and withdrawal symptoms are normal and often do not seek help or treatment. If your life or someone you know, has become unmanageable or if you are tired of dependence on prescription pain pills and want to break free, our addiction detox and addiction treatment program at Coastal Detox can help.
An Overview of Prescription Pain Pill Abuse And Addiction
Prescription pain pill abuse and addiction have been a problem since the production of the substance began. Prescription pain pill addiction has reached an epidemic level in the United States in recent years. The prevalence of prescription pain pill addiction escalated rapidly beginning in the late 1990s, requiring a significant increase in research by medical professionals to better understand the nature and treatment of the growing problem of prescription pain pill addiction.
Most prescription pain pills fall under the category of opioids. People not only use prescription pain pills for their pain-relieving properties but also for their euphoric effect, making it more likely for someone to abuse or become addicted. In recent years, prescription pain pill abuse and addiction has skyrocketed, especially with medications such as Oxycontin becoming popular with young people and students. Prescription pain pill addiction, unfortunately, is also common in the senior citizen community.
Millions of Americans struggle with prescription pain pill addiction, and while steps are being taken to prevent opiate abuse and addiction, there are people right now who need help and that’s why centers like Coastal Detox exist.
Examples of Opioid Pain Pills Include:
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- Fentanyl (Duragesic)
- Hydrocodone (Vicodin)
- Oxycodone (OxyContin)
- Oxymorphone (Darvon)
- Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)
- Meperidine (Demerol)
- Diphenoxylate (Lomotil)
- Morphine Sulfate
Prescription pain pills are effective when used correctly and as directed. Thanks to these popular pain medications, people are able to manage post-surgery pain and pain from injuries and other chronic medical conditions. Opioids have been a lifesaver and are a necessary, and safe tool in practicing effective medicine if they are not abused.
However, opioids are highly addictive and are very dangerous. Anyone using prescription pain pills is potentially at risk for addiction, overdose, or other serious health complications, even when used as directed by your doctor. This is why taking prescription pain pill medications must be done under the supervision of a doctor and open and honest conversations need to be had in order to keep the chances of dependence at a minimum. Tolerance, dependence, and addiction are always a risk. Again, even when used as directed, a person can become physically and psychologically dependent on prescription pain pills.
What Are The Symptoms of Prescription Pain Pill Addiction And Withdrawal?
Symptoms of Prescription Pain Pill Addiction:
- You find that the pain pills aren’t working or that the effects of the medication wear off sooner than they used to; this is called increased tolerance.
- You are running out of your prescription pain pills before you should, and having to find alternative ways to obtain your prescription pills, such as using someone else’s prescription, buying pain pills or going to the emergency room seeking the medication.
- You get sick when you go too long without taking pain pills.
- Getting your prescription pain pills has become a priority in your life; it’s put before other activities or responsibilities.
- Feeling the need to cover up your pain pill use and/or abuse, or you minimize your use to yourself or others.
- You are withdrawing from family and friends, you don’t enjoy activities that you used to enjoy. You become anxious or agitated when you are running low or have run out of your prescription pills.
- Friends or family have come to you with concerns about your prescription pain pill use.
- You have tried to quit using prescription pain pills but couldn’t, or started using them again; this is called relapse.
Opiate drugs, including prescription pain pills and heroin, can produce withdrawal symptoms just hours after the last dose, and the symptoms can last for up to a week or more. Unassisted withdrawal may not be life-threatening, but it carries a higher chance of relapse. Medications and addiction therapy, accessed in medical detox, give you a better chance at lasting sobriety.
Symptoms of Prescription Pain Pill Withdrawal:
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- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Excessive sweating
- Anxiety
- Muscle aches and spasms
- Paranoia
- Nausea
- Aggression
- Abdominal cramping
- Rapid heartbeat
- High blood pressure
- Dilated pupils
- Irritability
- Inability to concentrate
If any of these red flags sound familiar or you are experiencing prescription pain pill withdrawal, contact Coastal Detox in beautiful Stuart, Florida, and let us help you put opioid dependence and addiction behind you for good.

Overcoming Prescription Pill Addiction: Step One – Detoxification (Detox)
One of the biggest challenges that initially face someone who wants to stop using prescription pain pills is the detox process. When you have developed a physical dependence on the drug, your body comes to rely on regular doses of it. When you go too long without prescription pain pills, the detox process begins, and your body goes into withdrawal because of your addiction. This process causes a variety of symptoms that are painful and trigger severe, flu-like symptoms.
If you struggle with prescription pain pill addiction, you may have tried to detox on your own and found you could not do it successfully. The symptoms are powerful, and not only do you have to contend with physical withdrawal symptoms, but you must battle the mental and emotional effects of addiction as well. For most people, it’s just too much to do on their own. Getting more prescription pain pills seems like the only viable solution, especially when you have to continue on with responsibilities. Many will try time and time again to go through prescription pain pill detox on their own and fail.
There IS a better way! An addiction detox center along the Treasure Coast in sunny Stuart, Florida can make the process easier. Instead of going through it alone, you can sail through detox in a luxury facility. You can begin to heal and recover in a comfortable, friendly, and compassionate surroundings. Medically assisted detox helps you get through prescription pain pill addiction withdrawal comfortably and safely, and treatments such as massage, chiropractic care, vitamin therapy, and counseling can soothe and nurture you while you recuperate.
Prescription Pill Addiction Detox Drugs:
- Methadone
Methadone is orally effective, long-acting- thus producing smoother withdrawal – and safe.
- Buprenorphine
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved sublingual Buprenorphine in 2002. It can be used for office-based treatment of prescription pain pill detox or maintenance of opioid dependence. Buprenorphine is long-acting, safe, and effective by the sublingual route.
- Clonidine
The antihypertensive, α2-adrenergic agonist drug Clonidine has been used to facilitate opioid withdrawal in both inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment settings for over 25 years.
- Lofexidine
Hypotensive effects may limit the optimal dosing of Clonidine for opioid withdrawal and detox. Lofexidine, may be as effective as Clonidine for opioid withdrawal and detox with less hypotension and sedation.
- Suboxone
Suboxone is a partial opioid agonist medication used to treat opiate dependence that contains buprenorphine and naloxone. This drug can be an effective medication to aid in recovery from opiate dependence. It is also a detox drug that is taken for long periods of time after the user has stopped taking other addictive opioids and continues addiction treatment.
After Prescription Pill Addiction Detox: Inpatient or Outpatient Addiction Treatment?
After you complete prescription pill addiction detox you’ll need to decide whether an inpatient or outpatient addiction treatment program is best for you. Each type of program has advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to consider all facets of the recovery process. Also consider your own personal needs when choosing the right kind of treatment to overcome addiction. The medical professionals at Coastal Detox can assist you with coming up with the right treatment program for you after detox.
Inpatient Prescription Pill Addiction Treatment
After prescription pain pill addiction detox, the focus moves from allowing substances to clear from the body and stabilizing the person throughout the withdrawal process to developing the skills to stay sober long term through counseling, therapy, and education about addiction and recovery.
Many people looking to find lasting recovery from prescription pain pill addiction seek care in an inpatient addiction treatment program. A defining characteristic of inpatient addiction treatment is that the person resides at the facility for the duration of the addiction treatment. Most inpatient addiction treatment programs last from 28 to 90 days depending on the specific needs and preferences of the client.
Outpatient Prescription Pill Addiction Treatment
In contrast to inpatient addiction treatment programs, outpatient treatment allows clients to live at home outside of treatment hours. This allows them to continue engaging with work or school and the ability to fulfill other personal and family responsibilities. Recovering clients will attend group and individual therapy sessions each week. If needed they can meet regularly with a psychiatrist for medication to manage withdrawal, cravings, and any existing mental health issues. The treatment provided in an outpatient addiction treatment program is similar to that provided in an inpatient addiction treatment program but is somewhat less intensive.
Outpatient Addiction Treatment Programs – Types of Therapy:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This therapy helps participants become aware of unhealthy thoughts and behaviors and provides strategies to change to healthier ones.
- Contingency Management
This therapy provides specific incentives or rewards to help people develop regular behaviors such as attending therapy or maintaining sobriety.
- Motivational Interviewing
This therapy works to identify and modify any feelings that might be barriers to treatment and long term sobriety.
- Multidimensional Family Therapy
This type of therapy works to help families function better, especially in cases involving adolescents with drug or alcohol problems.
Sail Through Detox And Treatment At Coastal Detox
Are you tired of prescription pain pill addiction ruining your life? Take control and call Coastal Detox Center today. Our 12,500 square foot facility offers luxury accommodations and amenities in a gorgeous Treasure Coast setting located in beautiful and sunny Stuart, Florida. You will enjoy chef-prepared meals, one-on-one specialized medical care, and a supportive, nurturing environment.
You don’t have to go through detox or addiction treatment alone. Coastal Detox is there for you, and provides top-notch, confidential care in a state-of-the-art facility. We can remove those stresses by helping you find the right prescription pill addiction detox and treatment program. Contact us today to start the road to recovery.