how to have a positive attitude

The power of positivity is a major asset and tool when it comes to creating a new lifestyle in addiction recovery. The way a person views the world will influence their perception of life. Those who are inclined to negative thought patterns will experience life through a dark cloud and can become vulnerable to a lifelong feeling of misery.

Focusing on happiness during rehab encourages individuals to experience life to it’s fullest, while still exercising sobriety. Once you start to exuberate a form of positivity in your life, it becomes more natural for positive elements to expand upon it. Positivity produces a domino effect: positive thinking improves your mental and physical health. While positivity won’t heal all of life’s difficulties, it can certainly improve them.

There is substantial evidence that suggests positive thinking improves people’s physical and mental well-being. Positive thinking is beneficial for anybody, but especially individuals who are starting a new lifestyle in addiction recovery.

The Benefits of Positive Thinking

There’s an abundance of true motives for positive thinking which include:

  • Those who concentrate on the positive become less likely to experience depression symptoms.
  • Research has indicated that positive thinking heightens the immune system. So, it’s less probable that you’ll become sick as the body is more able to battle infections.
  • Positive thinkers are less prone to develop cardiovascular disease. Studies show that positive thinking patterns can decrease levels of stress and pain in the body.
  • Positive thinking helps people live longer lives.
  • Those who think positively usually manage difficulties and stress with ease.
  • Positive thoughts improve the quality of life as the thinker will appear more at ease.
  • Positive thinkers have more energy to live life to the fullest. After all, negativity absorbs energy.
  • Once you start practicing the power of positivity, you’ll become more prone to accomplish goals.
  • Positive thinkers are more pleasing to be around.

Positive Thinking and Self-Efficacy

Self-efficacy refers to the ability of an individual to accomplish a goal. The higher their self-efficacy, the more likely they’ll be to achieve specific goals. This form of thought is related to positive thinking. Ways to boost your self-efficacy can include:

  • If individuals can achieve something previously, their self-efficacy towards that specific task will be higher the next time.
  • If a companion succeeds in accomplishing the task, this can increase self-efficacy because of the tendency to believe if they can do it, so can I.
  • The individual can increase their self-efficacy through a persuasive debate produced by others. In therapy, this is known as motivational interviewing.

The Risks of Negative Thinking

Negative thinking occurs when somebody starts becoming overly negative. The feeling of anger and resentment may trigger these thoughts. These thoughts make people feel negative about the future. This method of thinking is especially hazardous for recovering individuals for various reasons.

Negative thinking enhances the risk of relapse. It prevents patients from obtaining happiness during sobriety. Also, peers around those who think negatively may suffer as a result. Once negativity becomes a habit, any bumps in life automatically seem to be more stressful. Also, negative thinking prevents people from recognizing the reason for their misery.

Negative Thinking and Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

A self-fulfilling prophecy is where simply prophesying something improves the possibilities it will occur. This is due to people’s ability to change their ways in light of the prophecy. They may unintentionally produce the provisions that enable the event to occur.

For example, if the person states that a task is going to be too complicated, they may worry anxiously about it. This worry alone may be sufficient enough to make the assignment more challenging. With a more confident approach, perhaps the task would’ve been simpler.

While there is limited doubt that positive thoughts can enhance your lifestyle, it is presumably unhealthy to see it as the remedy to cure all life’s misfortunes. Positive thinking, coupled with unrealistic expectations, can lead to distress, primarily if the only affirmative action the person takes to accomplish goals is to exhibit positively. It can become hazardous to those in recovery for the following reasons:

When it causes the patient to display overconfidence. This is especially likely to occur during the initial recovery process. The patient is on a high because they think that they’re suddenly cured of addiction. They may develop “pink cloud syndrome”, becoming overly optimistic regarding their fate. Once reality becomes evident, it can be depressing.

Some patients manifest magical thoughts concerning positivity. For example, individuals may believe that if they believe positively about reaching a particular goal, it will happen. If things do not turn out perfectly, frustration will set in. They may even criticize themselves for not having positive enough thoughts. This sort of magical belief can be especially damaging when patients choose positivity above medicine or treatment.

The patient might practice positive thinking as a replacement for development. For instance, a person may be so assured that they’re going to accomplish a goal, despite not taking the steps to do so. Positivity without execution is futile.

There are many purposes for why things don’t always work out in life. To blame everything on a deficiency of positivity is unhealthy and hurtful. Just because something goes wrong in someone’s life doesn’t invariably mean that they’re doing something wrong.

be wonderful

10 Ways to Develop a More Positive Outlook

During the addiction recovery process, it is essential to avoid allowing negative thoughts to bring you down. It is often displayed in addiction treatment that “this too shall pass” to help patients remain focused on the now. It is natural to dwell on negative occurrences and concentrate on the wrong elements, but positive thought can better improve the result of an addiction treatment program.

There are many techniques you can use to develop positive ways of thinking and enhance your overall outlook on life. Some skills are obtained through the addiction recovery process naturally.

1. Meditate

Mindful meditation is regularly practiced both during and after treatment. It encourages people to create time throughout their day to focus on their breathing, energy, and relaxation. Proper exercise can help individuals to stop reminiscing about the past and instead concentrate on the future.

2. Take responsibility

In some circumstances, individuals might feel helpless and disabled due to their addiction. Taking possession of your life and acknowledging that only you can make the improvements required to convert back to a lifestyle you envision. When you focus and put your mind to it, anything becomes achievable.

3. Surround yourself with positive people

Creating a group of positive friends happens quickly and organically during the recovery process. As you start to reevaluate the connections in your life, new ones will begin. 

Make sure you are surrounding yourself with like-minded people who encourage and support you. By having positive companionship, you can empower, support, and assist to succeed with each other throughout challenging circumstances.

4. Give back 

Another way to enhance positivity in your life is by engaging in volunteer work. Volunteer work helps people connect with others, and it gives a rewarding feeling to give back to the community. By getting involved in events, you’re passionate about enhances self -worth and self-confidence while concurrently improving somebody else’s life.

5. Take charge of your health

Proper nutrition, exercise, and sufficient sleep are all crucial to a positive mindset. Practicing these methods can heighten mood and increase self-worth. Substance use can often be devastating to the body, and these actions are simple techniques to resist the damage it can cause. If traditional exercise is not appealing, there are several other activities you can try, including pilates, yoga, and hiking.

6. Explore new hobbies

Hobbies can help you to explore your interests and enhance your mood. Find what intrigues you, and don’t be hesitant to try something different. Creative outlets, like playing music, painting, sewing, writing, or art, can be both therapeutic and enjoyable.

Physical activities, like hiking, jogging, sports, horseback riding, and swimming, can also heighten your mood. Find enjoyable activities you can do regularly.

7. Be optimistic

Recognize when you start thinking negatively about circumstances and actively adjust your thoughts on a more positive course. This can be accomplished through positive affirmations. 

Affirmations are expressions you repeat to yourself to remain motivated and focused. Phrases like “I’m giving my best every time” or “I’m working hard at addiction recovery” can certainly help to boost motivation.

8. Set goals

Set goals to both motivate and challenge yourself. Whatever purpose is set, make sure it’s something you are fascinated with and want to continue working towards. Things that bring the feeling of happiness is essential. Accomplishing goals that create happiness will allow you to focus on ventures which can help you learn more about yourself.

9. Talk about your feelings/emotions

When feeling overwhelmed or defeated, it is essential to avoid closing yourself off from the outside world. It may be necessary to talk matters through with a friend or loved one. Speaking about issues can help with problem-solving and give the tools needed to manage stressful circumstances more effectively.

10. Remind yourself of the good

Many issues can occur when you feel things aren’t going well or could be better. The solution to getting past those feelings is to concentrate on the things that produce happiness and items you are grateful for.

The addiction recovery process can be challenging, and it is vital to keep everything in perspective. In the end, keep reminding yourself why you’re seeking treatment and all the extraordinary developments that will transpire because of it. 

Get Help Today

Positivity is not something that always reveals itself in the world we live in today; negativity seems to fill the media world.

Those in addiction recovery have a habit of feeling misfortunate throughout life due to their addictive thinking. It is important for them to love themselves, choose happiness, and to rid the chemicals causing such negativity to fill in their lives.

If you or a loved one has been struggling with getting a firm grasp on your positivity and could use help, please call us today. Our specialists are always available and can help individuals in reconstructing a more positive, sober lifestyle.