Tackling Addiction and Propofol Misuse in the Medical Field

Drug misuse and abuse among healthcare professionals is a growing public health concern as a result of the stressful environment, access to substances, and the urge to self-medicate. Many healthcare professionals have a profound knowledge of specific drugs and their effects, which may lead them to believe they have control over their substance use. Propanol misuse and abuse in the medical field amongst nurses, doctors, and healthcare providers have become increasingly prevalent as a result of this drug’s ease of access.

Propofol: Understanding Its Medical Use and Potential for Abuse

Propofol is a general anesthetic drug that slows down the nervous system and brain activity, keeping patients asleep during medical procedures. Known under its brand names Diprivan and Propoven, propofol is injected intravenously by a healthcare professional in a medical setting who monitors your vitals while under propofol. Following surgery, patients under propofol may experience severe drowsiness and dizziness for several hours. Propofol’s most common side effects include blurred vision, dizziness, poor coordination, unusual tiredness, and irregular heart rate.

propofol misuse and addiction in the medical field

Propofol has been reported for misuse among nurses, doctors, and healthcare providers for both its sedative and euphoric effects. Medical professionals experience various stressors and challenges while on the job. Without proper self-care and recovery, healthcare professionals can experience extreme burnout and emotional fatigue as a result of their job responsibilities and schedules. Some may turn to substances as a means to self-medicate, which can develop into an unhealthy dependence and addiction. Propofol has emerged as an appealing yet unexpected drug for those seeking a sense of well-being and relaxation without the disadvantageous after-effects compared to other sedative drugs.

With the accessibility of propofol in the medical field, healthcare professionals have relatively easy access to it, as well as other drugs and controlled substances. Healthcare workers might self-administer propofol to relieve stress or to manage sleep deprivation. Propofol is a highly potent anesthetic and sedative drug, heightening the risk of potentially lethal misuse and abuse.

Causes of Addiction and Substance Misuse in Medical Professionals

The nature of the healthcare industry, alongside personal and professional stressors, contributes to the high risk of substance abuse and addiction in the medical field. Amongst alcoholism and opioid use in healthcare professionals, propofol misuse has become a growing concern. Studies show that 8-15% of healthcare professionals either abuse or are addicted to drugs and alcohol in the United States. That is approximately 1.3-2.3 million healthcare workers affected by substance use disorders (SUDs) and addiction. Understanding the causes contributing to drug and alcohol use in the medical field is critical for developing effective prevention strategies and administering treatment.

High-Stress Environment

The emotional and physical demands of the healthcare profession are innately stressful for nurses, doctors, and healthcare providers alike. From the long hours and constant exposure to emotional turmoil, suffering, and death, many healthcare workers suffer from emotional exhaustion and burnout. Dealing with emotional and physical burnout can subject them to unhealthy coping mechanisms like drug and alcohol use. Alongside burnout, some professionals are faced with critical decisions on the job, leading to severe anxiety and stress.

Coping with stress and anxiety through substance use can exacerbate mental health conditions and addictive behaviors, leading to a co-occurring disorder. Co-occurring disorder is when someone simultaneously struggles with a substance use disorder (SUD) and a mental health disorder.

doctor struggling with burnout and mental health

Access to Controlled Substances

Healthcare professionals have access to a wide array of controlled substances and narcotics, including propofol. Since propofol is not as commonly misused and abused in the medical field, most medical centers don’t closely monitor it as they do for opioids. Once propofol had been thought to be a factor in the death of Michael Jackson’s death, hospitals were alerted to restrict access to propofol in the medical field. Healthcare workers were reportedly misusing propofol for its magnifying effects of euphoria, more significant than the effects of marijuana.

Among other substances, such as addictive opioids, those in the medical field may believe they have a better understanding of the effects and risks of pharmaceuticals. This can cause them to push their limits and have a false sense of security in their substance abuse.

Workplace Factors and Mental Health Issues

The medical field openly accepts the long hours and emotional exhaustion associated with the practice. This normalization can lead many healthcare workers to neglect their health and well-being and deem it “part of the job.” The stigma surrounding mental health issues in healthcare professionals deters many from seeking the necessary help and treatment. Studies report that 93% of healthcare professionals experience stress, 76% report burnout and exhaustion, and 75% report feeling overwhelmed. Even with such high statistics, many fail to seek mental health support or apply healthy coping mechanisms.

Individuals working in the medical field often believe they must uphold a particular visage when on the clock, disregarding their emotions and personal struggles. As a result, many develop unhealthy coping strategies such as drinking alcohol or using drugs to relieve this stress and emotional pain.

Work-Life Imbalance

The work-life imbalance of healthcare professionals continues to increase as many workers report emotional exhaustion and burnout from their profession. Many feel they don’t have the time or energy to tend to their own needs, resulting in higher mental health and substance use issues in the medical field.

doctors struggling with addiction and mental health

Treatment for Healthcare Workers with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs)

Addressing substance misuse and addiction in the medical field requires a comprehensive approach considering the unique aspects of the profession. This includes understanding the nature of their work environment, drug accessibility, and their high levels of stress and responsibility. An integrated treatment approach for healthcare workers struggling with substance use disorders (SUDs) as well as mental health issues like anxiety, stress, depression, and PTSD includes dual diagnosis treatment.

Dual diagnosis in drug and alcohol rehab is a personalized treatment for individuals struggling with co-occurring disorders requiring treatment for their physical, mental, and emotional health. Holistic detox and addiction treatment for healthcare workers provide them with the necessary tools and treatment to heal from their addiction and repair their mental well-being.


For individuals struggling with substance misuse, mental health, and addiction in the medical field, you’re not alone. Coastal Detox wants to help you get the treatment you need TODAY! 



  • National Library of Medicine, 2008. Risk factors for alcohol and other drug use by healthcare professionals.
  • Drugs.com, 2024. Propofol.
  • Mayo Clinic, 2024. Propofol (Intravenous Route).
  • National Library of Medicine, 2012. Propofol Abuse in Professionals.
  • PubMed Central, 2020. The opioid‐impaired provider: A call for national guidance to maximize rehabilitation while protecting patient safety.
  • National Institute of Mental Health, 2023. Substance Use and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders.
  • The Wall Street Journal, 2009. Alert on M.D. Abuse Of Jackson Drug.
  • PubMed Central, 2013. Abuse potential of propofol used for sedation in gastric endoscopy and its correlation with subject characteristics.
  • American Hospital Association. Supporting Behavioral Health.