In recent years, drug and alcohol and treatment resource centers in Fort Pierce, Florida, work day in and day out to create cutting edge, effective, and reliable addiction treatment resources.
The drug, alcohol, and treatment resources we provide are considered essential in providing those suffering with drug and alcohol addiction an outlet to gather the tools needed to guide you toward the path of recovery within the Ft. Pierce Area. When searching for information on Florida’s Fort Pierce drug and alcohol treatment centers, we provide the availability of drug and alcohol treatment life skills, as well as any emotional assistance on your journey to recovery. Ft. Pierce, Florida’s treatment resource centers are of growing importance to us.
Ft. Pierce’s Population Fluctuation
Population studies show that within a years time the areas number of residents are anywhere between 46,000 and 84,000 in the city of Fort Pierce, Florida. Just as are many of the coastal cities in Florida, Ft. Pierce is impacted by many periodic migrants. People move in and out of the area to break away from the unfavorable cold season of the northern United States. The comfortable warm temperatures draw people towards the southern region and many into Fort Pierce, FL. It is considered a priority to make the resources available to provide the community with best drug and alcohol treatment and mental health care resources.
Fort Pierce’s changing population impacts the well-being of the community. So, when more people require the need for drug and alcohol treatment resource centers, it is important that there are rehab resources that are fitted to their individual needs for rehabilitation.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Fort Pierce
With daily advancements, there are upwards of 36 drug and alcohol rehab treatment centers throughout Ft. Pierce, Fl. We work hard to make sure we have the information available to provide you with many necessary skills and resources for recovery. The services we offer to you are structured for anyone that finds themselves looking for help with addiction. Most importantly, our drug and alcohol treatment resource centers are set up to aid you with any questions or concerns, whether it be for yourself or for a loved one. Additionally, our treatment resource centers are working daily to incorporate innovative and targeted classes, as well as health care to keep up with the growing demand.
Fort Pierce Treatment Centers
Ft, Pierce, FL Drug Abuse Statistics
Every day that passes, there is an increasing variety of substances being abused inFlorida, namely, Fort Pierce. This growing variety is leading to availability which leads to dependency. This increases the risks of overdose, suicide and even accidental death By means of drug and alcohol abuse. Drug and alcohol treatment resource centers would like to mention that the most commonly abused drugs from the list below is not, and will not ever be done growing. However, our treatment staff works tirelessly to provide you with the drug and alcohol resources at our center and the tools to adjust treatment toward each patient’s needs, within the Ft. Pierce Area. Among the substance abuse community, resource data shows the growing availability of the following are leading to higher rates of dangerous usage:
- Heroin- opiate
- Can be snorted, smoked or injected.
- Alcohol- depressant
- Primarily ingested
- Methamphetamine- stimulant
- Ingested, injected, snorted or smoked
- Cocaine- stimulant
- Snorted, ingested, injected or even topical
- Opana/Oxymorphone – opiate
- Injected, ingested or snorted
- Lortab (example: Vicodin)- opiate
- Injected, ingested or snorted
- Inhalants- there are both depressant and stimulant types
- Inhaled
- Ketamine- dissociative anesthetic
- Injected, ingested or snorted
- Tranxene- depressant
- Typically ingested or injected
- Ambien- depressant
- Injected, ingested or snorted
- Subutex- (opioid antagonist) depressant
- Injected, ingested or snorted
- Psilocybin/Psilocybin- hallucinogen
- Ingested, injected, snorted or smoked
- Fentanyl- opiate
- Injected, Ingested or Topical (Patch)
Fort Pierce, Florida: Rehab Resource Center Treatment Options
In Fort Pierce, located along the east coast of South Florida, we are here to assist, and to offer to you many options to overcome drug and alcohol dependency. We do this by having an abundance of specialized rehab treatment centers, located throughout the city. Some different and essential types of drug and alcohol rehab and resource centers in Fort Pierce may include:
- Inpatient detoxification facilities
- Inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol rehab facilities
- Long term and short term drug and alcohol rehab resource centers
- Long term and short term drug and alcohol resource center programs
In addition, due to the demand linked to fast population increases in Fort Pierce, Fl., drug and alcohol treatment resource centers work hard to find you special care. For you and each person in need, we will go on the journey together to give you a life free of abuse and addiction.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Resource Centers Strive to Improve
In Fort Pierce, our drug and alcohol treatment resource centers will work hard to create programs with the intention of targeting the specialized needs of each individual. If you are seeking help with recovery in the Ft. Pierce, Florida community, we look forward to discussing programs that are designed to teach the essential rehabilitation tools that each person requires. We aim to provide successful treatment centers for any person suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. As new challenges arise for our drug and alcohol abuse help centers, our drug and alcohol resources are constantly being adjusted to fit the needs of the substance abusing community. Drug and alcohol treatment resource programs undergo constant and required upgrades as Fort Pierce, Florida’s drug and alcohol abuse standards grow in numbers and become more diverse.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Resource Centers Specialized Programs
The standard programs we work to make available at addiction treatment resource centers in this area ideally include, but are not limited to:
- AA and NA- 12 step drug and alcohol program
- Adult alcohol rehab
- Teen alcohol rehab
- Depression- during or after recovery
- Drug and alcohol detox programs
- Adult and teen drug rehab
- Intervention planning and execution
- Assisted detox by means of medication
- Specific opiate drug detox
- Inpatient residential
- Residential relapse and recovery
- Private residential inpatient programs
- Substance abuse outpatient
- Supported living with rehabilitation
- Lessons in transitioning into independent living through guided programs
- Residential programs for young adults
As always, drug and alcohol treatment centers strive to provide you with the newest available rehab resources, making this list subject to change.
Fort Pierce, FL Drug Abuse Statistics – You’re Not Alone in Your Struggle
In the state of Florida, with Fort Pierce in mind, SAMHSA, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics studied reported information within the year of 2013 to 2017 on young adults ranging between the ages of 12–17. They found that an annual average of 9.3%, which is 130,000 adolescents, have experimented with alcohol consumption for the first time. These numbers are compared against the national average (that is noted at about 9.4%) of youth this age. The progress of development of young adults between 12 and 17 years of age is important considering that they are barely of high school grade levels, and certainly not beyond.
In fact, between 2014 -2017, the reported average of alcohol use in Florida was at 10.3%. That is higher than the average of the entire southern area of the United States, which all averaged together, remained lower than 8.9%.
Florida: Abuse Among Pre-Teen and Young Adult Age Groups
Below are some other surprising statistics, in Florida including Fort Pierce, which highlights the importance of drug and alcohol treatment resource centers, available throughout Ft. Pierce, Florida. These shocking numbers have shown to only increase from 2014 to present.
- Data collection found that preteens, starting at 12 years, up to early teenage individuals in Florida, provided information that confirmed that in recent years:
- 4.2% misused prescription pain relievers other than their intended use within the time frame of only one year.
- average of heroin use within that past 365 day period in Florida was 0.28%.
- Adults aged 18–25 residing in Florida,
- showed an average of 14.4% had a substance use disorder in the past 12 months.
In Florida, youth individuals reaching out to drug and alcohol treatment resources for substance dependency received treatment for both drug abuse and alcohol use was increased to an alarming 37.3%, where only 12.8% requested the resources for treatment of alcohol abuse alone.
Utilizing Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Resource Centers
A count performed in March of 2017, revealed that 62,427 people in Florida (this study includes Fort Pierce), were receiving aid and assistance due to illicit substance use from drug and alcohol rehab treatment resource centers. The increase of treatment resources utilized at just under 54,000 people during the 4 years prior shows that the availability to receive substance abuse treatment is an encouraging option. However, these statistics also mean that there is a noticeable incline of those needing addiction treatment resources, has also risen by over 5,000 more people since 2013.
Identifying Other Mental Illnesses
Our drug and alcohol treatment resource program in Ft. Pierce, hopes to help to identify any underlying or corresponding illnesses, both mental and physical. Many report that the need to suppress their psychological disorders could lead to alcoholism and drug dependency. In search, health care professionals referred to the findings of studies conducted by SAMHSA, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, and found that sometimes other mental illness contribute largely to the need for drug and alcohol treatment resources and their expertise. Findings included that adults, aged 18–25 in Florida, with Fort Pierce being no exception, patients were diagnosed with a serious mental illness in 5.1% of the participants.
Mental Illness, Drug an Alcohol Abuse, and Suicide
Many times, certain mental illnesses can cause a person to have suicidal thoughts. Additionally, drug and alcohol use, abuse, and unassisted withdrawal can lead to suicidal tendencies as well. In Florida, the yearly percentage of addicts diagnosed with serious intentions of committing suicide increased as of 2008. Fort Pierce drug and alcohol treatment resources centers for abuse find it important to make the community aware that the annual number of attempts and very real thoughts of suicide was up to 8.1%. Thus, adds to the overall portion of the country’s suicide rate, raising it to 8.5%. Individuals battling drug and alcohol addiction reported to rehab treatment centers, that they felt ending their life was the only way out before being provided with the help they needed given by substance abuse resource programs.
Connection Between Mental Health and Drug Abuse
Mental and behavioral health disorders are considered very common within one’s drug and alcohol treatment. A person battening with an illness such as addiction, might simply identify drug and alcohol abuse as simply the only battle to win against. During treatment, it will be helpful to use other resources to treat cases where someone is also suffering from another mental illness. In order to guarantee the best possible care, psychological health resources prove to be helpful in addition to drug and alcohol treatment programs.
Fort Pierce, Florida: Recovery Meetings Near Me
Organized throughout Fort Pierce, Fl., drug and alcohol treatment resources are available to the public for help and guidance. These locations are designed for easy access and anonymous administration of treatment. Listed below are the locations of drug and alcohol resources in (or very close to) the city of Ft. Pierce, Florida, USA.
AA resources in Fort Pierce, Florida:
For more information on meetings and support, follow the link below.
NA resources in Fort Pierce, Florida:
For more information on meetings and support, click the link found below.
Al-Anon resources in Fort Pierce, Florida:
For more information on meetings and support, click the link below.
Nar-Anon resources in Ft. Pierce, Florida:
For more information on meetings and support, click the link found below.
Funding or Assistance for Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment
The request for addiction treatment often raises the financial question among individuals and their families. Specifically, how would a drug or alcohol dependent person, who is in need of treatment, be able to gain the resources to afford to participate in rehabilitation treatment help.
To address the concern, drug and alcohol treatment resources outline a few common
methods to take advantage of in order to begin the journey of rehabilitation wellness in Fort Pierce, FL. These treatment resources suggest that one may choose to:
- private pay
- private medical insurance
- sliding fee scale
- medicaid
- medicare
- access to recovery (atr) voucher
- state welfare or child and family services funds that provide assistance within the Ft. Pierce, FL. area.
Getting the Right Help in Fort Pierce: How to Choose the Best Drug and Alcohol Treatment Resources that You
Programs are designed to educate people struggling with addiction to drugs and alcohol, brightening the road to a successful recovery through treatment. Finding the right drug and alcohol resource center is the first step in taking back control of your life.
If you reside in Fort Pierce and you or someone you know is struggling with a drug and alcohol problem, get the help that you need by reaching out to a drug and alcohol treatment center; it is available to you.
Important Things to Consider: Gathering Drug and Alcohol Treatment Needs
Below are some helpful questions to ask when deciding what is the best possible fit for you when looking for drug and alcohol treatment resources near you in Fort Pierce, FL:
- Which programs are designed around your specific treatment needs?
- Is 24-hour care available and necessary?
- What are the qualifications of the doctors and staff?
- What will it take to develop my personal treatment plan?
- When, where and how often, is therapy conducted?
- Are there any additional services or resources available to me within the drug and alcohol rehab treatment center?
- If I have a caretaker, or are currently acting as a caregiver, will there be assistance required or provided regarding forms of discharge and insurance?
- Will family participation and communication be suggested, mandatory or prohibited?
- Will I be assigned to a specific outpatient physician and are there any outpatient therapy services available?
- Will there be access to a patient’s electronic medical records? Will they be provided to the drug and alcohol rehab resource center?
- Do patients have on-site access to other specialists while participating in drug and alcohol targeted treatment programs in Fort Pierce, Fl?
- What do I have to look forward to while working toward rehabilitation and recovery?
Getting Help and Deciding to be Free of Addiction: Fort Pierce, Florida.
Persons seeking help in Palm Bay, Florida, for addiction or substance abuse are sure to learn new ways to manage mental health along side of drug and alcohol treatment.
Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Resource Center, available to Ft Pierce, Florida, promises to take exceptional care to treat each individual, with care and respect, to cultivate a successful path to wellbeing. Be free of addiction; Take back your life. To learn more contact us here, or you can call us at (866) 311-0003.