Port St. Lucie is known for its breathtaking beaches and the Riverwalk Boardwalk. Other beautiful points of interest include the Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens and the North Fork St. Lucie Aquatic Preserve.

But this tranquil city has a dark side to it. Many of its citizens struggle with alcohol abuse, and other drug addictions, such as cocaine and heroin.

In 2017, there were 25.1 drug overdose deaths per 100,000 Floridians. If you or a loved one has an addiction, you may want to fight against these statistics. Below are some treatment resources in Port St. Lucie, FL.

How Many Treatment Centers Are in Port St. Lucie, FL?

Within Port St. Lucie itself, there are only 8 treatment centers available. Because of this, you may not be able to find the optimal one for you.

We suggest expanding your radius, especially if you can arrange to go to a treatment center outside of the city. For example, if you’re willing to drive an hour or two, you’d have access to 16 treatment centers. If you include other treatment centers that service Port St. Lucie, that number increases to 23.

Port St. Lucie Treatment Centers:

What Types of Treatment Centers Are in Port St. Lucie, FL?

There are 4 types of treatment centers in Port St. Lucie: inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient rehabilitation, sober living facilities, and recovery meetings.

Some of these treatment centers cater to specific needs, such as psychiatric treatment for addicts or recovery for men. If you’re seeking a more targeted type of treatment center, you may have to look outside of the city, seeing as there are only 8 options in Port St. Lucie.

What Programs Are Offered in Port St. Lucie, FL?

In Port St. Lucie, FL, you can find these types of programs: inpatient, outpatient, mixed, therapy, sober living, and recovery meetings.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment is where you spend an extended amount of time living at a treatment center. While this can be a more expensive treatment option, most addicts get the best results from this type of program, especially if they have serious addictions that can be fatal to withdraw cold turkey from.

In inpatient treatment, you’ll be able to detox in a safe environment while being monitored by medical professionals at all times. Not only can they make sure you withdraw in good conditions, but they can also prescribe you medications to make the process safer and more comfortable.

These facilities may offer some of the other programs, such as therapy or life skills training.

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment is a more affordable program that has minimal interruption to your daily life. You still go to a facility like with inpatient treatment, but you only go for specific things, such as medication dispensing or therapy. You still live at home, which means you won’t have to ask for time off of work or school.

Outpatient treatment can be excellent if you’re not heavily addicted to substances and have a good home environment. However, if your social group is full of other substance abusers, the chance for relapse will be higher.

Mixed Treatment

If you can’t afford to spend all of your treatment in inpatient rehabilitation, your doctor may suggest getting mixed treatment instead. For example, you might check into inpatient rehab to withdraw safely. Then, once you’re done with that part, you’ll continue on with outpatient rehabilitation.


Very rarely do substance abusers not struggle with mental health issues. In fact, the comorbidity for addiction and psychiatric disorders is high.

Many times, people don’t know how to cope with their issues in a healthy way, so they turn to drugs and alcohol to self-medicate. This can turn into a vicious cycle.

If you don’t address your mental health issues, it’ll be harder to stay sober and the chance of relapsing is high. While in inpatient and outpatient treatment, you’ll probably go through therapy to face your issues and get help handling them.

Sober Living Facilities

After you’ve been through inpatient treatment, you might not feel ready to live on your own in the “real world” just yet. Because of that, there are sober living facilities available.

Here, you’ll live with other former addicts in a semi-controlled environment. For instance, drugs and alcohol aren’t allowed and there may be a curfew.

Together, you’ll form a support group for one another and navigate through life after addiction together. Once you’re ready, you can move out and move on with your life.

Recovery Meetings

No matter how you feel about your addiction, you should go to recovery meetings regularly after you’ve detoxed and gotten sober. These groups provide support and encouragement, which can do wonders for your mental health.

In these meetings, you’ll meet people who are going through the same things as you. You may make friends for life, which means you can count on one another to be there when things get hard.

The greatest thing about recovery meetings is you don’t have to go to them on a regular basis (although that’s highly recommended). You can just drop in whenever you feel like it, and they’ll always welcome you with open arms.

Use These Treatment Resources in Port St. Lucie, FL

Now that you have some treatment resources in Port St. Lucie, FL, you’re better equipped to choose the right type of treatment for either yourself or a family member. The first step can be the hardest one to take, but once you get into treatment, things can only look up. Seek out professional help to find sobriety and live the best life you can.

If you or a loved one want to take the first step towards recovery, please get in touch with us now.