Hypnosis for Alcoholism

Alcoholism can be a dangerous and very negative condition regardless of who you are. This substance use disorder is the cause of millions of deaths every year. A person can become dependent on alcohol to the point where they need it in their system to function. While there are many treatment options for alcoholism, some turn to hypnosis to stop drinking. But, of course, hypnosis for alcoholism isn’t exactly the first thing people think about in regards to treatment.

As an alternative treatment, hypnosis for alcoholism has its benefits and uses. Over time, hypnosis has the potential to encourage a person to give up drinking altogether. While it may sound like a strange form of treatment, there are some studies that show its benefits for alcoholism. 

Regardless of what method of treatment you prefer, doing nothing is not an option. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcoholism, now is the time to get help. Rehab centers like Coastal Detox are here to help you on your journey to recovery. You don’t have to go through this alone and you certainly shouldn’t wait to get help. 

A Closer Look at Alcoholism 

While it’s widely acceptable to drink occasionally and share a drink during special events, excessive drinking is the sign of a bigger problem. Alcoholism (or alcohol use disorder) comes the form of excessive and frequent drinking. A person suffering from alcoholism may continue to drink even if they want to stop. 

A person’s entire life can be consumed by alcohol and drinking. They may begin to neglect responsibilities or be under the influence at different hours of the day. Along with this are the wide number of negative health effects alcohol can have on the body. Over time, these symptoms and effects can begin to worsen. 

How Alcohol Affects the Brain

Alcohol depresses the central nervous system, which directly affects your brain’s typical activity. Alcohol slows a person’s brain down and increases the activity of the GABA neurotransmitter. GABA is short for gamma-aminobutyric acid. When a person drinks, the individual’s GABA signals increase drastically. 

The GABA transmitters actually affect the entirety of the brain instead of just a part of it. This is why memory loss, decreased motor coordination, and slurred speech are all aspects of alcohol abuse. Over time a person’s body will start to build a tolerance to alcohol (which means they need to drink more to get the desired effect). 

This can devolve into something much worse as a person continues to increase their dosage of alcohol. A person will eventually become dependent on alcohol and this is where things can turn dire. It is important to be aware of this dependency and work towards getting help, in a timely manner. The situation tends to worsen over time. 

The Signs of Alcoholism and Abuse

As with many addictions, there are telling signs that indicate a bigger problem. Not only does alcohol affect the mind and body but it also affects how people begin to behave. There are a number of red flags that indicate possible alcoholism. It’s important to be aware of these signs so you can get help. Common signs of alcohol abuse may include:

  • Building a tolerance to alcohol 
  • Frequent cravings to drink alcohol 
  • Poor performance at work or school
  • Inability to control how much they’re drinking
  • Continuous drinking even if they don’t want to
  • Spending long amounts of time drinking or recovering
  • Lost interest in activities, social events, and personal hobbies
  • Withdrawal symptoms when not drinking (shaking, sweating, etc.)

When a person struggling with alcoholism stops drinking alcohol they may begin to experience withdrawal symptoms (which only increases dependency). These symptoms can range in severity and only get worse over time. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Cravings
  • Blackouts
  • Dizziness
  • Eye problems
  • Weakened immune systems
  • Risky and agitated behavior
  • Slurred speech and coordination
  • Risky behavior (personal harm or death)

Hypnosis for Alcoholism

Hypnosis for Alcoholism

Hypnosis has been proven to be an alternative method of addiction treatment. There is some benefit if a person is interested in going this route. To truly understand how this treatment method works, one must know more about how hypnosis works. 

Hypnosis is a trance-like state (an altered state of mind) that is consciously induced by an individual. This total change of consciousness can be tracked using fMRI and EEG  machines. This stream of consciousness can be achieved through self-hypnosis as well. There are certain resources that can be used to achieve this hypnotic state. 

The Feeling of Hypnosis

One of the more commonly asked questions about hypnosis is what does it really feel like? When a person is in a state of hypnosis, they are more focused on the inner experience than the world around them. Inner experiences can include thoughts, feelings, imagination, memories, and sensations. 

One of the biggest aspects of hypnosis is relaxation. During hypnosis for alcoholism (or any subject), a person becomes relaxed about their memories or thoughts rather than anxious. Hypnosis and relaxation can make a big difference when dealing with such a stressful condition. 

The Elements of Hypnotic Trance

There are three primary aspects of the hypnotic trance” absorption, disassociation, and suggestibility. Each works together to create an effective trance state for the person. Let’s take a look at each of these elements separately. 


Absorption can be looked at as a deep mental focus. When a person is hypnotized, they become deeply involved in their thoughts and experiences. Absorption is an intensely deep focus on what’s happening inside the person’s mind. This sensation could be compared to reading an immersive book or watching a great movie. By definition, being absorbed can be impactful, and sometimes you can’t even tell how much time has passed. 


Dissociation is arguably the most important part of hypnosis for alcoholism. During hypnosis, your mind will separate your thoughts from other distractions. This allows you to see a new perspective on certain thoughts without any kind of distraction (feelings, memories, emotions, etc.) in the way. 

When using hypnosis for alcoholism treatment, disassociation allows you to see your drinking problem from a whole new perspective. It also allows you to see things clearly and identify triggers or emotions along the way. Disassociation can be the key to seeing things in a way you hadn’t before. 


Suggestibility is another very useful key to hypnosis. During a hypnotic trance, you are much more open to suggestions. This does not mean you will follow a person’s orders exactly; it just means you are more open to change. 

Under hypnosis, you are still in control of your thoughts and actions (contrary to what is shown on TV and movies). During hypnosis, the suggestions you hear should be guided towards the root of your problems. This is where using hypnosis for alcoholism treatment can be an effective method. 

These suggestions also offer specific tips on dealing and identifying certain problems. This can shed light on some of the lost memories of your mind that might explain the root of your addiction. If nothing else, it can help you look at your addiction from a new, clear point of view. Hypnosis can also help you focus on your reality which alone can change your drinking habits. 

The Benefits of Hypnosis to Stop Drinking

Hypnosis just might be an alternative method for helping a person with their addiction. Hypnosis alone will not be able to ‘cure’ a case of alcoholism but it is a solid option to compliment treatment. Having a clear and focused mind can go a long way when you are struggling with alcohol abuse. 

What many people forget is that alcoholism has a massive impact on the mind and how it thinks when under the influence. Hypnosis allows you to forget the minor distractions so you can focus on the root of your problems. With this in mind, hypnosis should be used with other treatment methods to ensure long-term recovery and sobriety. 

Other Treatment Methods

While hypnosis is a great option for the mental aspect of alcoholism, sometimes extra help is needed for the psychical effects. Dependency and tolerance can bring a number of negative effects that hypnosis can’t solve alone. It’s important to use the other treatment options as a supplement to hypnosis. Let’s take a look at some of the other common alcoholism treatment options. 


Detoxification is a crucial step to alcohol addiction treatment. Detox is a process that purges the body of substances and alcohol. It helps with some of the intense withdrawal symptoms of suddenly stopping one’s drinking habits. Typically, medication is used to deal with these symptoms during detox. At Coastal Detox, we specialize in detox services for you and your loved ones. 

Residential Treatment 

Residential (or inpatient treatment) allows for the most comprehensive treatment. This form of treatment is best for severe cases of addiction (alcoholism in this case). Here you can get the best treatment from therapists, doctors, and others in the same situation. It is definitely worth looking into if you or a loved one is struggling immensely with alcoholism. 

Get Help Today

Hypnosis for alcoholism treatment is an alternative option and allows for a clearer, better mind. If you or a loved one is suffering from alcoholism or addiction, now is the time to get help. Let Coastal Detox be your first step towards a healthier, better life. Contact us today for more information on treatment options.