What are Crisis Intervention Teams?

Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT) are specialized units composed of trained law enforcement officers, mental health professionals, and emergency responders who work together to respond to individuals experiencing mental health crises, including those related to substance use disorders. These teams aim to de-escalate situations, provide immediate support, and connect individuals to appropriate mental health and addiction services. The goal is to ensure safety, reduce the use of force, and improve outcomes for individuals in crisis.

Importance of Crisis Intervention Teams

Crisis Intervention Teams are crucial for addressing mental health and substance use crises in a compassionate and effective manner. Traditional law enforcement responses may not be equipped to handle the complexities of these situations, potentially leading to unnecessary use of force, incarceration, or inadequate care. CIT programs provide a more appropriate response by involving trained professionals who can de-escalate crises, offer immediate support, and link individuals to the services they need.

Objectives of Crisis Intervention Teams

  1. Ensure Safety: Protect the safety of individuals in crisis, responders, and the community.
  2. Provide Immediate Support: Offer timely and appropriate assistance during mental health and substance use crises.
  3. Connect to Services: Link individuals to mental health, addiction treatment, and social services for long-term support.

Key Components of Crisis Intervention Teams

Specialized Training

  • Crisis De-Escalation: Teach officers and responders techniques to calmly and safely de-escalate crisis situations.
  • Mental Health Education: Provide training on recognizing signs and symptoms of mental health disorders and substance use issues.
  • Communication Skills: Enhance communication skills to effectively engage with individuals in crisis.

Collaborative Approach

  • Multidisciplinary Teams: Include law enforcement officers, mental health professionals, emergency medical responders, and social workers.
  • Community Partnerships: Partner with local mental health agencies, hospitals, addiction treatment centers, and community organizations.
  • Coordinated Response: Ensure a coordinated and seamless response to crises, with clear roles and responsibilities for each team member.

Immediate Response and Support

  • 24/7 Availability: Ensure that CIT units are available around the clock to respond to crises.
  • On-Site Intervention: Provide immediate on-site intervention to assess the situation, de-escalate conflict, and offer support.
  • Crisis Counseling: Offer immediate counseling and emotional support to individuals in crisis.

Connection to Services

  • Referral Systems: Develop systems to quickly refer individuals to appropriate mental health, addiction treatment, and social services.
  • Follow-Up Care: Implement follow-up procedures to ensure individuals receive ongoing support and care after the initial crisis.
  • Transportation Assistance: Provide transportation to treatment facilities or safe locations as needed.

Community Education and Outreach

  • Public Awareness Campaigns: Educate the community about mental health and substance use issues, and the role of CIT in addressing these crises.
  • Training for Community Members: Offer training for community members, families, and businesses on how to recognize and respond to mental health crises.
  • Stigma Reduction: Work to reduce stigma associated with mental health and addiction through education and advocacy.

Evaluation and Improvement

  • Data Collection: Collect and analyze data on CIT responses, outcomes, and areas for improvement.
  • Continuous Training: Provide ongoing training and professional development for CIT members to ensure they remain knowledgeable and effective.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Implement mechanisms for receiving feedback from individuals served by CIT, their families, and community partners to continually improve services.

Benefits of Crisis Intervention Teams

Enhanced Safety

CIT programs improve safety for individuals in crisis, responders, and the community by reducing the potential for violent confrontations and use of force.

Better Outcomes for Individuals

By providing immediate support and connecting individuals to appropriate services, CIT programs improve mental health and addiction treatment outcomes, reducing the likelihood of future crises.

Reduced Burden on Law Enforcement

CIT programs alleviate the burden on law enforcement by ensuring that mental health professionals handle the clinical aspects of crises, allowing officers to focus on public safety.

Strengthened Community Trust

Through compassionate and effective responses, CIT programs build trust between law enforcement, mental health services, and the community.

Challenges in Implementing Crisis Intervention Teams

Funding and Resources

Establishing and maintaining CIT programs require significant financial and logistical resources. Securing adequate funding and support is crucial for sustainability.

Coordination and Collaboration

Effective CIT programs depend on strong coordination and collaboration among multiple agencies and stakeholders. Building and maintaining these partnerships can be challenging.

Training and Retention

Providing comprehensive training and retaining skilled CIT members requires ongoing investment and effort. Ensuring continuous professional development is essential.

Public Awareness

Increasing public awareness and understanding of CIT programs and their benefits requires consistent outreach and education efforts.


Crisis Intervention Teams play a vital role in addressing mental health and substance use crises with compassion and effectiveness. By providing specialized training, fostering collaboration, offering immediate support, connecting individuals to services, and engaging in community education, CIT programs enhance safety, improve outcomes, and build trust within the community. Despite challenges such as funding, coordination, training, and public awareness, the benefits of CIT programs in ensuring safety, supporting individuals in crisis, and strengthening community relationships are significant. Continued efforts to expand and promote CIT programs are essential for advancing the field of mental health and addiction crisis intervention and supporting individuals on their path to recovery and well-being.